Guide to Cooking Time and Temperature for the Butterball Turkey


Guide to Cooking Time and Temperature for the Butterball Turkey

Few things are as crucial to holiday feasts or special events as a well roasted turkey. Butterball has become well-known among the many turkey brands on the market for its superior birds. You must master the cooking time and temperature if you want your Butterball turkey to come out juicy and delectable. In this post, we'll walk you through the steps and give you advice on how to make the ideal turkey.


Calculating the Cooking Time: Your Butterball turkey's cooking time is mostly influenced by its weight. Use a trustworthy meat thermometer to gauge the turkey's interior temperature for precise results. To guarantee that a turkey is safe to consume, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) advises roasting it to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).


Cooking Time Recommendations:


Set your oven's temperature to 325 °F (163 °C).

Remove the neck and giblets from the body cavity of the frozen Butterball turkey before unwrapping it.

Place the turkey breast side up on a rack in a small roasting pan. In order to avoid overcooking the chicken, tuck the wings underneath.

Based on the turkey's weight, determine the rough cooking time:


Cooking time should be between 234 to 3 hours for turkeys weighing 8 to 12 pounds.

Cook a turkey for 3 to 3 34 hours if it weighs 12 to 14 pounds.

Cook a turkey for between 334 and 414 hours if it weighs 14 to 18 pounds.

Cook a turkey for around 414 to 412 hours if it weighs 18 to 20 pounds.

Cooking time should be between 412 to 5 hours for turkeys weighing 20 to 24 pounds.

Note that these times are only estimates and may change based on the specifics of the oven, the accuracy of the oven's temperature, and the particulars of the turkey. To detect whether meat is done, always use a meat thermometer.


How to Use a Meat Thermometer


How to Use a Meat Thermometer


Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of your Butterball turkey to make sure it is cooked to perfection. Without contacting the bone, insert the thermometer into the thickest area of the thigh. The turkey is ready to be taken out of the oven when it reaches 165°F (74°C) on the thermometer.


Carving and Reposing:


Carving and Reposing:


Let the turkey rest for around 20 minutes after taking it from the oven before carving. The turkey will be more delicious and moister as a consequence of the redistribution of the liquids.

To help the turkey keep heat while it is resting, wrap it loosely with aluminum foil. Additionally, this will stop excessive moisture loss while the plant is resting.




A Butterball turkey must be cooked at the right temperature and for the right amount of time. You may have a succulent, juicy, and delectable turkey that will be the centerpiece of any celebratory occasion by following the instructions provided and using a meat thermometer to confirm doneness.

Keep in mind that while these recommendations are a good place to start, certain factors may influence cooking times. To guarantee that the turkey achieves the necessary internal temperature of 165°F (74°C), always use a meat thermometer. You can learn to cook a Butterball turkey and wow your guests with a special holiday feast with practice and attention to precision.


Butterball Turkey Cooking Time


Butterball Turkey Cooking Time Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


How can I figure out how long my Butterball turkey needs to cook?

A: The weight of your Butterball turkey will determine how long it will need to cook. To cook the turkey, raise the internal temperature to 165°F (74°C) using a meat thermometer. For an estimate of cooking durations based on various weight ranges, see the instructions in the article.


When cooking a Butterball turkey, what temperature should I set my oven to?

A: Set your oven's temperature to 325°F (163°C) before inserting the Butterball turkey.


Can I cook a Butterball turkey faster by cooking it at a higher temperature?

A Butterball turkey should be cooked at 325°F (163°C) to guarantee equal cooking and avoid the meat drying out. An unevenly cooked or dry turkey may be the consequence of cooking it at a higher temperature.


Does my Butterball turkey need to be defrosted before cooking?

A: Thawing your Butterball turkey before cooking is necessary. The safest way to thaw a turkey is in the refrigerator. For every 4 to 5 pounds of turkey, allow about 24 hours for thawing in the refrigerator.


Should I take the Butterball turkey's neck and giblets out before cooking it?

A: Yes, be sure you take the neck and giblets out of the Butterball turkey's body cavity before cooking. If desired, these components can be utilized to prepare gravy or other foods.


How can I tell when the Butterball turkey has finished cooking?

A meat thermometer should be used to monitor the turkey's internal temperature. Without contacting the bone, insert the thermometer into the thickest area of the thigh. The turkey is ready to be taken out of the oven when it reaches 165°F (74°C) on the thermometer.


Why is it crucial to give the Butterball turkey some time to rest before carving?

A: Giving the Butterball turkey about 20 minutes to rest before carving allows the liquids to redistribute, making the meat juicier and more delicious.


Do I need a meat thermometer to cook a Butterball turkey?

A: While cooking a Butterball turkey without a meat thermometer is possible, doing so increases the likelihood that the bird will reach the necessary internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). For precise results, it is highly advised to utilize a meat thermometer.


What should I do if, after the suggested cooking time, my Butterball turkey is not fully cooked?

A: Cook your Butterball turkey an additional 15 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C), if it is not fully done at the suggested cooking time. To prevent overcooking, keep a tight eye on the turkey and constantly check the temperature using a meat thermometer.


Q10: Aside from Butterball, can I use these cooking time recommendations for other brands of turkey?

A: Although these instructions are particular to Butterball turkeys, you may use them as a general starting point for cooking other brands of turkey as well. For the most precise cooking times, it is always advised to refer to the detailed instructions supplied by the turkey brand you are using.


Keep in mind that the time estimates in this page are only estimates, depending on a variety of factors. To guarantee that your Butterball turkey is cooked to perfection and achieves the advised internal temperature of 165°F (74°C), always use a meat thermometer.

